Query Metrics

12 Database Queries
7 Different statements
6.54 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 0.70 ms
SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c0_.is_active AS is_active_2, c0_.image AS image_3, c0_.slug AS slug_4, c0_.extract_nav AS extract_nav_5, c0_.sequence AS sequence_6, c0_.old_name AS old_name_7, c0_.old_slug AS old_slug_8, c0_.old_id AS old_id_9, c0_.extract_home AS extract_home_10, c0_.order_home_block AS order_home_block_11, c0_.parent_id AS parent_id_12 FROM category c0_ WHERE c0_.slug LIKE ? OR c0_.old_slug LIKE ?
2 0.27 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.image AS image_4, t0.slug AS slug_5, t0.extract_nav AS extract_nav_6, t0.sequence AS sequence_7, t0.old_name AS old_name_8, t0.old_slug AS old_slug_9, t0.old_id AS old_id_10, t0.extract_home AS extract_home_11, t0.order_home_block AS order_home_block_12, t0.parent_id AS parent_id_13 FROM category t0 WHERE t0.parent_id = ?
3 0.88 ms
SELECT o0_.id AS id_0, o0_.title AS title_1, o0_.url AS url_2, o0_.contract_number AS contract_number_3, o0_.title_tag AS title_tag_4, o0_.keywords AS keywords_5, o0_.meta_description AS meta_description_6, o0_.newsletter_title AS newsletter_title_7, o0_.newsletter_description AS newsletter_description_8, o0_.available_from AS available_from_9, o0_.available_to AS available_to_10, o0_.usable_until AS usable_until_11, o0_.reset_countdown_days AS reset_countdown_days_12, o0_.public_coupon_display AS public_coupon_display_13, o0_.gender AS gender_14, o0_.expire_date_visible AS expire_date_visible_15, o0_.require_check_availability AS require_check_availability_16, o0_.description AS description_17, o0_.text AS text_18, o0_.image AS image_19, o0_.active AS active_20, o0_.super_price AS super_price_21, o0_.exclusive AS exclusive_22, o0_.kupime_id AS kupime_id_23, o0_.sub_title AS sub_title_24, o0_.full_price AS full_price_25, o0_.discounted_price AS discounted_price_26, o0_.discount_percentage AS discount_percentage_27, o0_.saving_price AS saving_price_28, o0_.offer_includes AS offer_includes_29, o0_.offer_usage AS offer_usage_30, o0_.offer_note AS offer_note_31, o0_.offer_location AS offer_location_32, o0_.ad_guid AS ad_guid_33, o0_.user_id AS user_id_34, o0_.company_id AS company_id_35, o0_.single_partner_id AS single_partner_id_36 FROM offer o0_ LEFT JOIN offer_category o2_ ON o0_.id = o2_.offer_id LEFT JOIN category c1_ ON c1_.id = o2_.category_id WHERE c1_.id IN (87) AND o0_.active = ? ORDER BY o0_.available_to DESC
4 0.34 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.is_active AS is_active_3, t0.image AS image_4, t0.slug AS slug_5, t0.extract_nav AS extract_nav_6, t0.sequence AS sequence_7, t0.old_name AS old_name_8, t0.old_slug AS old_slug_9, t0.old_id AS old_id_10, t0.extract_home AS extract_home_11, t0.order_home_block AS order_home_block_12, t0.parent_id AS parent_id_13 FROM category t0 WHERE t0.is_active = ? AND t0.extract_nav = ? AND t0.parent_id = ? ORDER BY t0.sequence ASC
5 1.88 ms
SELECT o0_.id AS id_0, o0_.title AS title_1, o0_.url AS url_2, o0_.contract_number AS contract_number_3, o0_.title_tag AS title_tag_4, o0_.keywords AS keywords_5, o0_.meta_description AS meta_description_6, o0_.newsletter_title AS newsletter_title_7, o0_.newsletter_description AS newsletter_description_8, o0_.available_from AS available_from_9, o0_.available_to AS available_to_10, o0_.usable_until AS usable_until_11, o0_.reset_countdown_days AS reset_countdown_days_12, o0_.public_coupon_display AS public_coupon_display_13, o0_.gender AS gender_14, o0_.expire_date_visible AS expire_date_visible_15, o0_.require_check_availability AS require_check_availability_16, o0_.description AS description_17, o0_.text AS text_18, o0_.image AS image_19, o0_.active AS active_20, o0_.super_price AS super_price_21, o0_.exclusive AS exclusive_22, o0_.kupime_id AS kupime_id_23, o0_.sub_title AS sub_title_24, o0_.full_price AS full_price_25, o0_.discounted_price AS discounted_price_26, o0_.discount_percentage AS discount_percentage_27, o0_.saving_price AS saving_price_28, o0_.offer_includes AS offer_includes_29, o0_.offer_usage AS offer_usage_30, o0_.offer_note AS offer_note_31, o0_.offer_location AS offer_location_32, o0_.ad_guid AS ad_guid_33, o0_.user_id AS user_id_34, o0_.company_id AS company_id_35, o0_.single_partner_id AS single_partner_id_36 FROM offer o0_ LEFT JOIN offer_category o2_ ON o0_.id = o2_.offer_id LEFT JOIN category c1_ ON c1_.id = o2_.category_id WHERE c1_.id IN (87, 87) AND o0_.active = ? ORDER BY o0_.available_to DESC LIMIT 10
6 0.40 ms
SELECT COUNT(o0_.id) AS sclr_0 FROM offer o0_
7 0.29 ms
SELECT COUNT(o0_.id) AS sclr_0 FROM offer o0_
8 0.39 ms
SELECT COUNT(o0_.id) AS sclr_0 FROM offer o0_
9 0.40 ms
SELECT COUNT(o0_.id) AS sclr_0 FROM offer o0_
10 0.31 ms
SELECT COUNT(o0_.id) AS sclr_0 FROM offer o0_
11 0.31 ms
SELECT COUNT(o0_.id) AS sclr_0 FROM offer o0_
12 0.35 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.slug AS slug_3, t0.short_description AS short_description_4, t0.long_description AS long_description_5, t0.is_active AS is_active_6, t0.type AS type_7 FROM page t0 WHERE t0.is_active = ? AND t0.type = ? ORDER BY t0.id ASC

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
App\Entity\Category\Category No errors.
App\Entity\Offer\Offer No errors.
App\Entity\User No errors.
App\Entity\Company\Company No errors.
App\Entity\Partner\Partner No errors.
App\Entity\Page\Page No errors.